
SAS® provides free access to powerful tools for Project Data Sphere users.

SAS tools include VDMML. (Visual Data Mining & Machine Learning) and LSAF (Life Sciences Analytics Framework). You can access these datasets directly via this secure analytics space. Please contact us with any questions/issues in working in this environment
  • VDMML: SAS Studio, Model Studio, Visual Analytics, Enterprise Miner, embedded support for Python & R
  • LSAF: Transformations, analytics and reporting of clinical trial data
Request NCI Data

This dataset is being provisioned through an initiative with the National Cancer Institute (NCI) of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH).

  • Click on "Request NCI Data Access" (up to 5 studies at a time).
  • Navigate to your account (click on username) -> 'NCI Requests'. Review and finalize requests. You will receive an email notice once approved and can access and download data directly via LSAF.
Linked Data

These data have been curated or enriched with additional data elements such as the MEPS (AHRQ's Medical Expenditure Panel Survey) data prepared by RTI International and the Prostate Dream Challenge.)

Journal Publications

PDS' open access sharing model has generated a significant volume known peer-reviewed journal publications and you can explore all of them here.

Share Data

Become a data provider to share the results of your cancer-related clinical studies.

Share Data